Grandma’s Stocking cellphone pouch


The pouch measures roughly 15cm x 7cm. Use pale coloured cotton yarn to enhance the cable pattern and give the pouch a vintage look.

You will need:

  • Yarn: Sunny by Cheval Blanc, 50g = 125m, ca. 2/3 skein (or any yarn to fit gauge).
  • A piece of cord, ribbon or a shoelace, ca. 40cm.
  • Two beads with big holes (optional).
  • A set of 4 double-pointed needles: UK size 12.5, US size 1.5, metric size 2.5mm, or the size needed to match the yarn of your choice.
  • One cable/auxiliary needle of the same (or smaller) size.
  • One clasp-on stitch marker (optional).
    Gauge: 10cm = 34 sts in stockinette stitch.
    k – knit
    p – purl
    k2tog – knit 2 stitches together
    yo – yarn over: make an additional loop by passing the yarn under the right needle from back to front, then over the needle and to back again
    Cross to L: slip 2 stitches onto the cable needle, hold to front of work, knit 2 following stitches, knit 2 stitches from the cable needle.
    The pouch is knitted in rounds.
    The body:
    On two double-pointed needles, cast on 56 sts, then gently pull one needle out; distribute the stitches on three needles. Knit 5 rounds in stockinette stitch.
    Mark the first stitch on the first needle with a clasp-on stitch marker or simply a piece of thread of a contrasting colour (optional – this will provide a point of reference and allow you to see the first stitch swirl around as you knit).
    R6: * k2, yo, k2tog * rep from * around.
    R7 – 9: * k all.
    R10: * Cross to L * rep from * around.
    R11 – 15: k all.
    R16: k2; the round begins here (!) * Cross to L * rep from * around. You will remark that the beginning of the round has shifted by 2 sts.
    R17: k all.
    R18: * k2tog, yo, k2 * rep from * around.
    R19: k all.
    R20: k2; the round begins here (!) * Cross to L * rep from * around.
    R21: k all.
    R22: * k2tog, yo, k2 * rep from * around.
    R23: k all.
    R24 – 57: rep from R16 (the last round, R57 will be a “k all”).
    The bottom:
    R58: * k6, k2tog * rep from * around (49 sts left).
    R59: * k5, k2tog * rep from * around (42 sts left).
    R60: * k4, k2tog * rep from * around (35 sts left).
    R61: * k3, k2tog * rep from * around (28 sts left).
    R62: * k2, k2tog * rep from * around (21 sts left).
    R63: * k1, k2tog * rep from * around (14 sts left).
    R64: * k2tog * rep from * around (7 sts left).
    Cut the thread and pull the end through the remaining 7 sts, stitch to the wrong side and knot.
    Make a tassel or a pompom and attach it to the bottom of the “stocking”.
    Pass the cord through the holes along the rim of the pouch, add a bead on each end of the cord and make a knot to prevent the bead from slipping.

    Creative Commons License
    Grandma’s Stocking cellphone pouch by Iryna Klionava is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Belgium License.

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